Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me such problem. About one year back on a head sexual ch...

13.05.2004, 23:52
Hello! At me such problem. About one year back on a balanus there was a red eruption. It was very much scratched. The doctor has written out a cream "Mycosolonum". In 12 days after application of a cream all has passed or has taken place. Half a year was it's OK. But now after several sexual certificates or acts (without a condom) she again appears. What is it such and how it or her to treat that did not arise any more? Thankful in advance!

New settlers V.S.
14.05.2004, 02:57
Visible sypja is consequence or investigation of reaction of a penis on medium of a vagina. Return to a preparation which helped or assisted earlier.

New settlers V.S.
15.05.2004, 08:53
Visible the eruption is consequence or investigation of reaction of a penis on medium of a vagina. Return to a preparation which helped or assisted earlier.