Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Approximately 2-3 mes there were any strange spots back...

09.05.2004, 12:08
The dear doctor!
Approximately 2-3 mes there were any strange spots on a member back. Similar more likely on warts. 4 on a prepuce, 2 on the skin of a member. neboljat, are not scratched, inconvenience one - the prepuce in my opinion has decreased. There is some dyscomfort. What is it in general can be? And as it vylichit (if it is possible or probable).
In advance blagodaen for the answer.

New settlers V.S., the dermatologist
09.05.2004, 21:29
Dear Andrey, it there can be peaked or acuminate condylomas. Cauterize them "Solkodermom", and inside accept "Izoprinazin" on 1 t. 2 times a day. I wish health.