Просмотр полной версии : Hello, dear New settlers of Century With. Last time you have advised me to...

05.05.2004, 09:41
Hello, dear New settlers of Century With. Last time you to me have advised a course immunomaksa at papillomovirusnoj to an infection of not oncogenous character and erosion sh/m. In our drugstores immunomaks do not sell. TSikloferon it is possible? And under what scheme or plan to be treated. To summaries it is not written as to do or make nyxes at VPCH. Outline shemku, please, and toja I am afraid, that I shall incorrectly make to myself nyxes.
Yours faithfully

New settlers V.S.
09.05.2004, 09:16
All "shemki" "snatch" the doctor when he communicates with the patient not in the virtual world.