Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! Comment please on results of a smear on flora: epitelj plo...

06.05.2004, 01:47
The doctor! Comment please on results of a smear on flora: epitelj flat in a vagina, tservik. The channel (Central Committee), Uretral. The channel (UK) it is a lot of Epithelium the cylinder everywhere a crossed out section Leucocytes everywhere 0 2 Erythrocytes only in the Central Committee 20 40 Key cells, a gonorrhea, a Trichomonas, kandida everywhere a crossed out section Bacteriemic or Bacterial flora - mixed coccuses gram + the Quantity or Amount of a microflora in a vagina is a lot of rod, in the Central Committee and UK a little.. It is a lot of epithelium Naploho??? Both rods and cooks gram + - it is bad? Whether it is necessary to me to go on reception to the gynecologist for treatment.. Analyses handed over together with PTSR repeatedly on a ureaplasma in 3 months it (is not revealed) after the termination or ending of treatment, PTSR in a month after treatment not onaruzheno. THANKS

New settlers V.S.
06.05.2004, 16:28
Calm down, you are almost healthy (there is no rod Dederlejna).

07.05.2004, 11:09
The doctor!!!
What means almost??? kakaja-such rod?? Or it you joke???

New settlers V.S.
08.05.2004, 20:22
On jokes there will be no time to respond to such quantity or amount of surprising questions. The given rod is present in structure of supernormal flora of a vagina.