Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At me around of a proctal or an anal aperture a skin it is darkly brown...

03.05.2004, 17:58
Hello the doctor! At me around of a proctal or an anal aperture a skin of darkly brown, almost black color D = 5, and ecdysises are not present an itch. Whether there can be a change of painting iz-for sharp weight reduction (on 17 kg) or it is a sign of an inguinal epidermophitia (the husband one month ago was ill or sick with this disease)? Women can be ill or sick with an inguinal epidermophitia? In advance it is very grateful for the answer.

New settlers V.S.
04.05.2004, 15:14
Women - yes. The hyperpegmentation can be observed at many, especially at given birth or travailled women.