Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I already asked a question about occurrence on a head of pustules and p...

01.05.2004, 04:19
Hello. I already asked a question about occurrence on a head of pustules and pereodicheskogo allocation from a bottom. Have advised to accept a doxycycline and Tinidazolum. Tinidazolum under the instruction is necessary for accepting in current 3 h days. I have spent on drink them 3 days and any visible improvements have not noticed. Prompt, how much days it is necessary to accept preparations and that else it is necessary to do or make for prevention vydeleny.

New settlers V.S.
02.05.2004, 00:11
Be surveyed. A guessing in preparations to good will not result or bring. Duration of reception of a doxycycline - 10 days in a regimen: on 12 once a day.