Просмотр полной версии : Hello. We with the husband p...

15.11.2003, 23:14
We with the husband plan the child, and have handed over all analyses. The mycoplasmosis, a virus of a papilloma of the person and a cytomegalovirus is found out in me. At the husband
Nothing is revealed. How such can be? Its or his doctor has all the same appointed or nominated to him nyxes imunnoglobulina (10 injections intramusculary) - whether much it? Still any tablets
Phytogenesis from a cytomegalovirus, and here from an infection of a mycoplasma - anything. Can all the same it was necessary to appoint or nominate to him any antibiotics? I was treated (vilprafen, viferon
(Suppositories), tsikloferon (10 nyxes), vobenzim). What it is necessary to accept to the husband? There can be any concrete medicines?
In advance thanks.


On the given question we cannot offer a concrete medicine since to change the scheme or plan of other doctor - not correctly. But in our opinion treatment by antibiotics is necessary.
Appointed or Nominated priparaty cannot worsen health of your husband since before you there is a problem or task of pregnancy and a birth of the healthy child.
That at your husband have found nothing, accident. By long searches will necessarily find an infection. So it is necessarily necessary for you to be treated with pair (after each treatment you should pass or take place control inspection).