Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte. At me sledujushchi...

15.11.2003, 23:14
At me a following question.
Some time back at me have appeared allocation. However at carrying out of the analysis on various ZPPP (including on all the latent infections) anything it was revealed not. The doctor of anything tells or says to me could not.
I have paid attention, that intensifying vydeleny occurs or happens after I descend or go in pool or I shall take a bath. The doctor has come out with the assumption, that at me such display of an allergy on a chlorination of water (in general I allergik).
However, I would like for something to make to stop these or it of allocation.
Yours faithfully Xenia


Dear (aja) Metelkina Xenia, 23 years, St.-Petersburg
Allocation can be and are considered as a variant of norm or rate if it is not revealed infections and allocation do not cause or cause diskoforta (an itch, pains at sexual contact, a burning sensation) .otmenite bassein and a bath. Take a shower and look or see dynamics or changes of a status.