Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At us with the husband...

15.11.2003, 23:14
At us with the husband here such complex or difficult situation. To me 20, and to the husband 42. Have decided to do or make EKO. BUT in me a virus of herpes also have found out a ureaplasma. I have passed or have taken place some strong courses of treatment, but even the credit on the analysis has not changed. To me have told or said, that at me the ureaplasma too has passed in the virus form and now treatment is useless. Really nothing can be made? It is terrible to give birth or travail, and I am tired from infinite vydeleny. Prompt what to do or make. Can you can help or assist.
In advance thanks!
I hope for the answer,


Dear (aja) Victoria
At you seryoznaja a situation, survey therefore is necessary. Complex treatment with application immunomoduljatorov is necessary for you. Address in clinic.