Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I was already tortured...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Hello! I was already tortured to go on doctors. All of them speak, that at me all by way of, a smear simply excellent or different, and I feel a dyscomfort. Went both to the gynecologist, and to the urologist. It is useless. At what we go together with my friend, with which I 3 years. He my unique partner and I am assured, as I at it or him one. Or happens, that find at it or him, and at me is not present, or on the contrary.
First all over again at me balo the frequent emiction, then like became normal. But happens, that I shall very strongly want in a toilet, and there only two drops. Secondly, the strongest itch sometimes begins, all as though swells up. Thirdly, I feel a certain dyscomfort after the sexual certificate or act and at once very much it would be desirable in a toilet. We are protected by condoms. And certainly to me to not get to anywhere from vydeleny, they white, without sharp zapaho, transparent and liquid, belie- and dense. Still I feel a dyscomfort and unpleasant sensations after an emiction.
But there was one more problem. At my guy fever in a perineum. To him too anybody of anything efficient cannot tell or say. Handed over all simply perfectly.
I hope for your answer and to your help.


Dear (aja) MArija!
The idea arises, that it is necessary for you to survey kidneys and to exclude a urolithic diathesis.
C respect
The doctor-urologist.