Просмотр полной версии : After inspection at the doctor-...

15.11.2003, 23:14
After inspection at the doctor-urologist (juice of a prostate, PTSR) it has been found out ureaplazmennaja the infection, is inflamed a prostate. The doctor has appointed or nominated a following course: 1) Pyrogenalum - 6 ampoules (in a day, increasing or enlarging doses with 0,5 ml up to 1,0 ml. From 10.06);
2) tsikloferon - 15 ampoules under the scheme or plan (two days on end, then in a day from 14.06); 3) Lydasum - 20 ampoules (daily from 15.06); 4) macrofoams 400 - 6 packings (96 tab.) on 2 tab. 2 of time in day (from 16.06); 5) rulid 150 - 2 packings (20 tab.) on 1 tab. 2 of time in day (after a course Macrofoam); 6) karsil and duovit during all course in a recommended dosage. In addition the doctor recommended to refrain from reception of milk or dairy production. Clear, please, following questions:
1) whether not too a greater or big dose macrofoam has appointed or nominated the doctor, in fact in the instruction the maximal day time dose for the adult makes 1600 mg, i.e. 4 tablets; 2) as the dosage tsikloferona raises the doubts: in the instruction the recommended course even for sick HIV-infections makes 10 ampoules, to me is appointed or nominated 15; 3) why it is undesirable to use in nutrition milk or dairy products (a calcium?); 4) what preparation, or bobavku will recommend for elimination dizbakterioza in a digestive tube in connection with a shock dose of antibiotics; 5) whether there is enough application karsila, meaning or keeping in mind, that US of a liver has shown individual hyperechoic includings or incorporations, the liver sometimes aches a bit; 6) whether it is possible to be engaged in an exercise room and to float in the river during the given course of treatment.
Yours faithfully, Michael, 29 years, Bryansk.


Dear (aja) Michael, Bryansk, 29 years
On Macrofoam the dosage twice is exceeded. All rest like in norm or rate. It is necessary to attach to treatment Nizoral (2 mg 1 tablet) - once a day after meal of 20 days on end.