Просмотр полной версии : Hello, To me 23 years...

15.11.2003, 23:14
To me 23 years, I would like to learn or find out, whether existence/formation or education/display/development of an eczema on mucous genitals is possible or probable... At me a strong itch, white allocation, a fine eruption (not white), reddening and an edema. Analyses were repeatedly done or made, took smears on every possible funguses, infections ppp - all is pure or clean (at the first survey all gynecologists as one, declare, what is it a typical candidiasis, and after reception of analyses - make a helpless gesture...) the Eczema at me since the childhood, is shown only on arms or hand. Have assumed, what is it can be dermo-mucous disease...
Whether the eczema on genitals could "creep"? Whether there Were you in the practice similar cases? To what doctor it is necessary to address? To + on mucous or to +, and whether there are such experts?
(N.B. Has bypassed just in case everything, from gastrointerologa up to the endocrinologist - any deviations or rejections).
With hope I wait for your advice or council,
Yours faithfully,


Dear (aja) Masha
The eczema on mucous does not arise, but it can orazhatsja on a status your mucous. It is necessary for you to change a trial and error method soap or a powder for linen, to wear only h belyo, etc.