Просмотр полной версии : Hello.. Right after...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Right after monthly, at me have begun allocation of red color, with a characteristic smell (not sharp, it it is simple not such as usually) so proceeded days 10. Pains are not present. Allocation perkratilis, and this month umenja a delay for 4 weeks (almost month!!!!!), went on konsultaitsju, but the doctor has told or said that that's all right, and that pregnancy is not present. Earlier it was treated for a clamidiosis. What is this signs why they have arisen, and on how much it serezno?!


Dear (aja) AAlyonka
The signs described by you are similar to disturbance of function of ovaries on a background of an inflammation or stresses. It is necessary to pass or take place US of a small basin and
Cyclic vitamin therapy for stabilization.

Yours faithfully,
The doctor-gynecologist
Irina Vladimirovna