Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me the first...

15.11.2003, 23:14
At me the first pregnancy and a negative rhesus of a blood. I every month hand over analyses on anti-bodies and while it's OK. The doctor at whom I am observed, advises me to spend on drink a ten-day course of prophylaxis of the anti-bodies, consisting of Ascorutinum, a methionine and sprastina. I have read through in the summary to supravtinu, that pregnant women it or him to drink it is impossible. Wished to ask, what is this a course? Tell please. Thanks for attention.


Dear (aja) Oksana, 30 years, Moscow
At everyone voacha the schemes or plans of treatment. It is necessary for you to pass or take place kurslechenija since after 12 weeks of pregnancy it is possible to accept Suprastinum.