Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! My doctor p...

15.11.2003, 23:14
The dear doctor!
My doctor after check of a smear has diagnosed: a thrush (a yeast fungus) on ovaries, an inflammation of appendages. After I for 5 months have passed or have taken place 2 times course of treatment: gipo- 150; syringing by a soda solution; intramusculary "Fibs"; a hemotransfusion under the scheme or plan; Fljukostat 0,05; Clotrimazolum of a suppository and ointment; wads in a solution of sodium tetraborata in Glycerinum - has told or said, that the inflammation of appendages has passed or has taken place, but the thrush has remained, pains in sides too do not pass or take place.
Thankful in advance for the answer.


Dear (aja) Elina
A little it is not clear that you wish to learn or find out? It is necessary for you vyjaviit the reason of an inflammation of appendages since the thrush is localized only in a vagina and does not get further. The thrush can cause only an inflammation of a vagina. It is necessary for you except for a usual smear on flora to hand over smears on sexual infections. After that it is necessary to pick up the correct scheme or plan of treatment.