Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors! Help or assist!...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Dear doctors! Help or assist!
To me 21 year, and we with the husband plan premerno in half a year - year to conceive the child.
Problem: at me very long cycle (35-36 days) and large ovaries (4,4 and 4,6). To me have explained, that an ootid to impregnate it is possible, but by then as will ripen ovaries, she already old, and on 7-8 week can occur or happen an abortion. In a district clinic have registered -35, but I yet do not accept it or him.
It would be desirable to consult with the competent doctor at whom I shall be observed till the birth of the child.
If can help or assist me, to you I shall be very grateful. Thanks.


Dear (aja) Vick
At such cycle it is necessary for you to pass or take place series of inspections since there can be a problem not only during pregnancy, but also with its or her offensive or approach. It is necessary to hand over hormones of a blood, to take basal temperature.