Просмотр полной версии : Hello! .opishu a situation in...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Hello! .opishu a situation in krattse:
We with my girl were close, I entered a member into it or her vlagalishe but niochen is far, have not torn devstvennnoe plevo, I have terminated, but on mine, chas semens have got on vlagalishe. It or she had a delay for 2 days, then were kakieto starnnye monthly, have begun in the evening and on sledujushy day to hours to 12 zakonchili! I Repeat he still the virgin! Monthly kakieto too small, if it voobshe monthly! I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply with neterpineiem!
Yours faithfully Ivan!


vazhaemyj Ivan
Let your girl to address to the doctor- and will hand over the test on bereminost.