Просмотр полной версии : Hello Help or Assist mn...

15.11.2003, 23:14

Help or Assist me to respond on sledujushchty a question


Pathogenesis. Dropping of thresholds spinal avtomatizmov ejaculations and emictions owing to weakening constraining influences of the cortical centers. In single instances - active stimulation from paracentral lobes (as epileptic equivalents).

Treatment. For neotjagoshchennogo a syndrome high therapeutic efficiency hloretilovyh blockade of a lumbosacral department in the form of a rhombus the area 60-80 kv is characteristic. The sm, located at a level of the line, connecting or bridging both cristae iliacae. A skin spray Aether chloratus before occurrence of a white crust of an intradermal induration then the frozen site warm palms until the blanching will not be replaced by reddening. Procedure 2-3 days repeat with an interval, only 5-8 times. In persistent cases after a monthly break follow a repeated policy of blockade with reception in day of blockade for 2 ch before procedure of 1-3 tablets of Thioridazinum.

AETHER chloratus is necessary FOR TREATMENT... But it or he cannot be got..... Whether there are even any ways of struggle (treatment) with the above-stated syndrome????????????? 7



vazhaemyj misha
We do not use treatment by Aether chloratus, and alternative you can learn or find out there where to you have established or installed the diagnosis.