Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, dear physicians!...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Good afternoon, dear physicians!
To me of 49 full years. From the first monthly suffered strong bleedings with very strong pains.
After sorts or labors of a pain became less, but the hemorrhage has remained former and in the course of time amplified. After the first abortion there was a strong inflammation of appendages and uteruses. It was treated long years, has passed or has taken place all circles of a hell of our Soviet gynecologic gestapo.
After a salpingogram of a uterus have diagnosed: an adenomyosis of a uterus also have appointed or nominated a hormonetherapy (accepted Rigevidonum all over again on 1 tablet, after two years of treatment has passed to 12 tablets). I drank these hormones of 12 years and felt fine: pains greater or big krovopoter were not. Two years ago I have heard what to accept hormones after 45 years it is impossible. To me for that moment there were 47 years and I have stopped them to accept. Now I suffer terrible bleedings and such strong pains what simply to live it would not be desirable. Mesjachny that do not come for three months, prihodjat in a week on three times.
It is necessary to pass or take place inspection, but remembering, that I had to bear or take out earlier, I have no forces desire money for it. In this connection at me to you a question: it how much can proceed on time (I while cope with bleedings
I accept anesthetizing and kroveostanavlivajushchie agents, such as Dicynonum (almost does not help or assist), pamba (while helps or assists, but it or him already is not present on sale), Vicasolum. How much it is possible to stretch with such hemorrhages?


Dear (aja) polina
With such hemorrhages it is possible to earn diseases of a blood since you constantly lose a blood and every month depot of iron it is exhausted. You need to address to the doctor, to pass or take place US of a small basin and survey. That you describe, can take place not only at good-quality diseases, but also at a cancer of a uterus and endometrija.