Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvyite, xochy zaberemenet...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Zdravstvyite, xochy zaberemenet no nikak ne polychaetsya. Jivem s myjem 7 mesyacev, zanimaemsya sexom ejednevno, no detey tak i net. Ya obrawalas k vrachy-skazal, chto y menya vospalenie sheyki matki, ya prinimala tabletki DOTUR, no nikakix rezyltatov. Ewe pered nachalom menstryacii y menya silno bolit gryd i yvelichivaetsya v razmere. Pojalyista, skajite, chto eto mojet but ? Zaranie, spasibo!!!!!


Dear (aja) mira
It is necessary for you to pass or take place inspection on all sexual :, urea and a mycoplasma, gardnerellu, a herpes, a cytomegalovirus. It is necessary to hand over hormones of a blood for 5-9 and 21-23 days of a cycle. After that inspections it is possible to consult to the doctor on sterility or barrenness.