Просмотр полной версии : Please, explain rezulta...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Please, explain results of analyses: Prolactinum 329 ??N/l; FSG 3,6 ??N/l; LG 8,97 ??N/l; protesteron 8,5 ng/ml, Testosteron-Depotum 0,29 ng/ml, the Hydrocortisone 306 ???y/l; 3 1,1 ng/ml; 4 80,0 ng/ml; TTG 1,29 ??N/ml. Handed over for 21-23 day of a cycle. Yours faithfully, Natasha


Dear (aja) Natasha
Specify norms or rates of your laboratory since many laboratories work under the standards.