Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte at me two problems...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Zdrastvujte at me two problemmy the first that that at me not the regular cycle, a menses at me goes 4 years in what there can be a reason??? 2 problemma at me bleach these or it of allocation at me from 12 years sometimes they propodajut, but is more often all of them happen, though not an itch, not the smell is not present, it is normal or not, what is it can be and on what I should make the analysis??? In advance thanks.


Dear (aja) the Dyne
If you have sexual contacts it is necessary to pass or take place inspection on all sexual infections if you the virgin allocation can be consequence or investigation of disturbance of function of ovaries and because of nenormirovannogo emission of hormones the epithelium of a vagina can develop or produce allocation. The irregular cycle can be consequence or investigation of disturbance of function of ovaries. For finding-out of the reason it is necessary to hand over hormones of a blood and to make US of a small basin.