Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to decipher the analysis

22.09.2003, 13:27
Recently handed over analizy-bakterioskopiju. Before it was treated for a candidiasis (after a course tsiproleta), saw Difljukan 150. The microflora like would be restored. In these analyses me confuses, that are found out Gram + rods in U-moderately, and V-in a plenty and more V-an epithelium in a plenty. Leucocytes U-ed in p/?O, C-3-5 in p/?O, V-10 15 in p/?O. What does it mean and whether it is necessary to spend kakoe-nibudi treatment, if other parameters in norm or rate?
Thankful in advance.

23.09.2003, 18:22
At you decent enough analyses. I think, that treatment to you to spend it is not necessary, if you were checked up and on other infections (a mycoplasma. A ureaplasma, a clamidiosis. A bacterial vaginosis, etc.).