Просмотр полной версии : What is it?

The novel
04.06.2003, 16:47
Last "doubtful" sexual contact was pol.goda back. Now on a head of a member there was a boring (and was already such, has then passed or has then taken place), are observed allocation (the transparent liquid similar to a semen, it is rare with white impurity). And today after a two-day occurring with old friends (a lot of beer has been drunk) it was emptied with impurity similar to cottage cheese! And there were they in the extremity or end. What is it? for what to me prepares?

k.m.n. Kusov
05.06.2003, 07:45
Hello, the Novel!
Is better - to pass or take place inspection at dermatovenerologa. However, it is possible to try or taste the following treatment directed on a yeast lesion: cream EKZODERIL of 1 times in day slightly to rub in all member. Course of treatment - not less than 1 month (even. If all quickly will pass or take place)
I wish health. k.m.n. Kusov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich