Просмотр полной версии : Lordosis

24.02.2006, 22:08
I know, that straightening cervical lordoza-this disturbance of a statics of a backbone. Besides at me an osteochondrosis of 1-2 degrees of cervical and thoracal departments of a backbone. A question such: feeling of pressure behind a breast bone, the burning sensation, a pain at promotion of nutrition on an esophagus can take place at the set forth above description of the roentgenogram?

25.02.2006, 14:39
It is rather improbable. Make fibrogastroskopiju.

25.02.2006, 20:25
That's just the point, that I was already surveyed: EGD. US shchit.zhel. Analyses... All in norm or rate. Simply except for the described signs there are also others: a pain and a crunch in cervical and thoracal departments of a backbone. You have responded. That is improbable. But all happens such?

26.02.2006, 21:24
Means it is necessary to survey you - to make computer diagnostics of all organism.