Просмотр полной версии : Asthma

Not registered
21.01.2006, 18:59
At the child serious BA. Reacts to a dust, a mould, many foodstuff. We tried to create houses gipoallergennuju a situation. Any time even seemed to me, that it was possible to us - week two attacks was not, and now again there was an exacerbation even on a background beroduala. Now we have ripened up to the decision to change an apartment, t. To. We vrjadli shall cope with dampness and a mould in an apartment on last floor. We have defined or determined for ourselves some parameters to which the apartment should respond. Comment on them, please, can we in what are wrong, or something have missed. What should be gipoallnrgennyj the house?
1. The brick house.
2. High, but not last floor.
3. The solar party or side.
4. Instead of wall-papers we think to paint walls. Whether there are any restrictions in a choice of a paint?

Not registered
26.01.2006, 18:26
1. Gipoallergennaja the situation, certainly, is important, but in fact is necessary also basic (scheduled) therapy, especially if it is a question of a serious asthma. It is impossible to be treated only berodualom and to hope, that all will pass or take place.
2. With a mould worst of all on a ground floor.
3. Very important not only what house, and that in the house. Including also sanitary technician. Closely or attentively examine an entrance (traces of leakings!). Also be convinced that all internal materials - not for external jobs.
4. A filter cleaner of air in such business to not manage.

Not registered
29.01.2006, 01:17
Oh, has absolutely got confused in names of medicines - I meant budesonid, instead of Berodual. Berodualom removed or took out this exacerbation. Certainly the exacerbation (already not one unfortunately) was not such serious as prior to the beginning of treatment by hormones, but it would be desirable that their (exacerbations) at all were not.

Not registered
29.01.2006, 23:08
Yes, and the cleaner of air at us is. SHARP FU-60SE. Its or his occurrence has not rendered any visible effect, though he is included or switched on constantly already almost 5 months.