Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To me - 28 years. 3 months ago on the face has appeared ugrevaja sy...

19.08.2004, 13:37
The dear doctor! To me - 28 years. 3 months ago on the face has appeared ugrevaja an eruption which till now does not pass or take place but only worsens. Before I had a course of treatment by antibiotics (about 2 months) and vrach-the gynecologist has appointed or nominated after that course amiksin 20 for rising immunity. I did not accept it or him (dearly or expensively!). Has now bought or purchased suppositories viferon 1000000 - 1 pieces (whether these preparations Are equivalent or not?) whether my eruption Can to be connected with depression of immunity. And the most important: where it is possible to pass or take place inspection and what it should be (what analyses and t. The item) to not come into the hands of those "experts" who are ready "to treat" you all life - would be money.
Thanking you very much in advance.

Brejkin D.V.
20.08.2004, 20:27
Amiksin is an inductor of development or manufacture of own interferon, t. e. Is immunostimuljatorom. Viferon is chelovechasky a leukocytic interferon, it is applied with the medical purpose, is not immunostimuljatorom literally. Preparations are not equivalent on action, but application viferona is possible or probable. Ugrevaja the eruption can be consequence or investigation as some immunodeficiency, and the immunologist on internal reception, and hormonal disbalansa can define or determine it only. It is treated first of all it is necessary at the gynecologist and the dermatologist, at an inefficiency of treatment it is possible to address to the immunologist. On all replacements of one recommended preparations by others always inform the attending physician and consult on it or him.