Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Results of analyses of a blood at my daughter (21): an allergy on d...

10.08.2004, 20:55
Hello! Results of analyses of a blood at my daughter (21): an allergy on a house dust, a library dust, own false skin, a wool of a cat, a dog, carpets plus ljamblii (have told or said, that is unequivocally). We the third month are treated for tussis (drank or saw three courses of antibiotics), handles and shchechki became very dry and rough. All has begun after visiting a kindergarten (or has simply coincided?), tell or say, please, really it incurably and for all life?! The laboratory assistant of immunologic laboratory has told or said, that first time meets a similar set of allergens at such small child. I in a trance.

Brejkin D.V.
12.08.2004, 11:17
Actually no trouble. Listen laboratory assistants Less. At your child most likely an allergic tracheobronchitis. Necessarily address to the allergist. I recommend during first time (up to the allergist) to accept Loratin (or Zirtek, Erius) on 1/2 tablets once a day within not less month. In Sankt-Petersburg can address in MNTK "Allergotsentr", bodies (812 272 54 43. Success.

13.08.2004, 05:36
Dear d-r Brejkin, thanks big for the answer, we shall be treated.