Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! My relative (50 years) suffers an allergic rhinitis, to...

07.08.2004, 10:19
Good afternoon!
My relative (50 years) suffers an allergic rhinitis which lasts very longly, excruciatingly, exhausting it or him completely. Often protivoallergennye preparations not pomogogajut in general. Where he tllko was not treated and did not pass or take place inspection, but the reason till now is not revealed. Really there are no agents to reveal the reason?
Yours faithfully

Brejkin D.V.
08.08.2004, 21:02
To reveal the reason of an allergic rhinitis usually enough your own observations, especially if the rhinitis hardly enough proceeds. It is just necessary to note in what situations there is an exacerbation of a rhinitis. It is long a current allergic rhinitis arises on a dust or a wool of animals (if they are) more often. If for any reasons it is not possible to establish or install the reason spend allergoobsledovanie - skarifikatsionnye dermal assays i/or definition of a level of specific immunoglobulins E in a blood. At negative result spend provocative assays with prospective allergens, t. e. Try to provoke a rhinitis digging in or instilling an extract of this allergen in a nose. At negative result, t. e. If the reason is not found out, it is necessary to reconsider the diagnosis t. To. In this case the rhinitis has not allergic nature. Be surveyed your relative can in MNTK "Allergotsentr" in Sankt-Petersburg, bodies (812 272 54 43