Просмотр полной версии : To my child 2 years. To him have diagnosed atopichesky a dermatitis. He all p...

06.08.2004, 20:46
To my child 2 years. To him have diagnosed atopichesky a dermatitis. He all is covered by an eruption. US the augmentation of a pancreas and a cholic bubble, a lien has shown, kidneys, a liver in norm or rate. When we handed over the analysis of a blood for allergotsentra, was found out that from it or him of 1 % at. mononuklearov, and 66 % of lymphocytes, other parameters within the limits of norm or rate. Whether presence at can. mononuklearov to be connected with an allergy, or it is necessary to search for the reason in something the friend. At the child lymphonoduses are not inflamed and neither anginas, nor catarrhal diseases he still never hurted.

Horoshilova N.V.
07.08.2004, 06:36
mononukleary are not connected directly with an allergy. Allergological inspection (in the given case - analyses of a blood on the general or common and specific immunoglobulins of a class) is necessary