Просмотр полной версии : Has handed over a blood on " revealing of an allergy ". Results have shown. That at me is and...

Elena, 26 years
12.07.2004, 12:04
Has handed over a blood on " revealing of an allergy ". Results have shown. That I have an allergy on an egg, to a hedgehog (cereal) and ambroziju. Tell or say, please, that to me now there is no egg? (like after their use with me nothing occurs or happens). As to me will get rid of it or this and tell more in detail about these allergens and the possible or probable reasons of their occurrence.

Shapovalova L.M.
12.07.2004, 21:43
Hello, Elena. I recommend to make naliz on a dysbacteriosis - food allergies, as a rule, consequence or investigation of disturbance of flora of an intestine, especially bifidumflory, providing detoxicating of intestinal contents.

Brejkin D.V.
14.07.2004, 00:33
If you do not have displays of an allergy on eggs can them quite is, the analysis does not speak about an allergy, he speaks about a sensibilization and possible or probable development of an allergy on the given foodstuff. In occasion of an allergy on pollen - if there are corresponding or meeting displays, it is a rhinitis, an itch of a nose, an eye, tussis and t more often. Item in summertime address to the allergist internally for further diagnostics and definition of tactics of treatment. At pollinoses (the allergy on pollen) to the most effective still has treatment by a method of a specific immunotherapy. In Sankt-peterburge I recommend MNTK "Allergotsentr", bodies (812 272 54 43.