Просмотр полной версии : To my child 2 years of 8 months. On the face a red eruption. Were at vracha-allergo...

07.07.2004, 15:44
To my child 2 years of 8 months. On the face a red eruption. Were at vracha-the allergist - she has diagnosed atopichesky a dermatitis. But from what porishodit the intelligible answer she could not give it - has told or said, that we in city do not have laboratory where it is possible to spend allergological inspection. Prompt, please, where it is possible to pass or take place it or him?

Brejkin D.V.
08.07.2004, 01:33
Atopichesky the dermatitis is allergic disease. An allergy at this age basically on food stuffs. For finding-out of the reason it is not required any analyses more often. First of all keep nonspecific gipoallergennuju a diet (consult with the allergist, he is obliged to know it) + exclude milk and all milk or dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, syrki, yoghurts, cheese, etc.). Analyses do or make in many laboratories. All depends on that, where do you live. In Peter it is possible to address in ours Allergotsentr, bodies 272 54 43.