Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 36 years. In February 2001 there was an allergy on a cold. Gauging...

05.07.2004, 11:28
Hello! To me of 36 years. In February 2001 there was an allergy on a cold. the place reddens, is scratched
Becomes covered by pimples of type of a urticaria. After warming all passes or takes place. Tell or say, whether it is possible with it or this -that to struggle, whether there is a treatment. Thanks!

Horoshilova N.V.
06.07.2004, 00:59
As a rule, the cold urticaria appears at people with the centers of a chronic infection. Therefore it is necessary for you to spend inspection -an intestinal tract, a nasopharynx, lungs, -sexual sphere and the centers of a chronic infection to sanify. Besides in some cases can be and a sensibilization to any allergen. Therefore also it is necessary to spend and allergological inspection. Except for that. In some cases happens effective (certainly, very gradually and moderately).