Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, good afternoon! I Am observed in IAKI, has received analyses - have found out ljambl...

27.06.2004, 21:53
The doctor, good afternoon! I Am observed in IAKI, has received analyses - have found out ljamblii, Toxoplasmosis IgG (doubtful) and IgM (positive), Echinococcus IgG, a fungus (Rhiz. nigricans), 12 alimentary allegenov, a house dust, 2 dust ticks or mites. The doctor tell or say with this set live? :) The doctor has told or said that wet tussis which at me 4 5 months, from parasites and allergic reaction. It is possible or probable or it is necessary to go to the lung specialist? At carrying out of primary medicinal therapy (erius, kropoz, akolat, enteros gel, tsikloferon) tussis became less often, chustvuju is better than itself.

Brejkin D.V.
01.07.2004, 13:08
Live, certainly. If on a background of treatment to you it became easier, means it is necessary to continue it or him. If the doctor approves or confirms, that the reason of tussis is a parasitogenic invasion, he is obliged to appoint or nominate specific treatment (without it or this tussis to not cure). However I strongly doubt of it or this, most likely at you banal allergic traheit/the bronchitis, or in general tussis to an allergy has no attitude or relation. However something unequivocally to tell or say on the Internet it is simply impossible, are treated internally.

04.07.2004, 07:44
Thanks huge!
The doctor has told or said that or they are parasites or as you have mentioned allerg. A tracheitis. I so understand that treatment will be absolutely different. Now naznachenno treatment of deducing or removing of parasites.
And what to understand as specific treatment? Than usually treat all. A tracheitis?

Brejkin D.V.
05.07.2004, 00:27
" Specific treatment " I meant concept just treatment of parasites. An allergic tracheitis treat just how treated you.

05.07.2004, 14:00
Many thanks!!!
Tell or Say and sea tour will not worsen my situation??!