Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My history is those: since the childhood (practically since a birth) - diat...

21.06.2004, 06:51
Hello! My history is those: since the childhood (practically since a birth) - a diathesis. Isskustvennoe feeding. On the face, ears, on brushes of arms or hand. Year in four like has passed or has taken place, though there were exacerbations of years in 6, 7 basically on arms or hand. Then years in 13 14 has begun again. In the form of soaked or madidans plaques in the field of ears, on arms or hand, but basically, near ears and ear lobules of ears (between ears and a cheek - cracks). Have addressed to the doctor (before did not address), it has been appointed or nominated islledovanie internal organs (US), analyses. The doctor has written out ointment Lorindenm. In 15 years all has stopped, sometimes on arms or hand there were small plaques, but not becoming wet or not soaked;not madidans not so, but as itching or pruritic. Smeared with Lorindenm. With 16 till 23 years was not more similar displays. But in 23 years I was ill with an inflammation of appendages and have got in hospital where to me the long course of antibiotics (gentomitsin-12 days), after which again nachilis problems with a skin has been appointed or nominated - there was an ecdysis, there were pruritic dry maculae, treshchinki in corners of the mouth, longly not healing (only by means of Lorindenm - but he in fact a hormonal preparation!) . Has handed over the analysis on crop on a dysbacteriosis. Presence of microorganisms of a sort protej (10 in 7 degrees), insufficient quantity or amount of an intestinal rod (instead of 300 400 at me 180) has come to light. Has spent on drink a bacteriophage, now I drink kolibakterin. This summer I had a rhinitis which practically anything could not be cured (only time or temporary simplification). Has gone on reception to LOR-to the doctor, she has taken smears which have shown presence golden stafilokkoka and presence eozonofilov. From stafilokkoka has passed or has taken place a course of lavages, and about eozonofilov she has told or said, what is it an allergy, it is necessary to reveal or tap allergen. Has read through the scientific article about an allergy, there it has been told or said, that at allergikov, as a rule, a dysbacteriosis. Before vrach-the gastroenterologist spoke me, that an allergy on a skin - consequence or investigation of a dysbacteriosis. So primary from these diseases? What there is a consequence or an investigation? In fact allergic displays were at me and earlier. How to me to cope with this problem? Where to address? I at all do not represent, on what I can have an allergy. Thanks.

24.06.2004, 00:08
Now I apply klaritin, but something special improvement I do not observe. The course klaritina How much should last? It or Him to me has written out an ENT. The diagnosis in KVD and at the dermatologist was - atopichesky a dermatitis, and on the signs described in clause or article read through by me it is very similar. I ask advice or council on treatment and where it is possible to address? Thanks big in advance.

The anonym
25.06.2004, 14:48
To the allergist

27.06.2004, 09:09
Terrible business. I can HELP or ASSIST only own history. The son in 9 months had a same muck (excuse). Red maculae on all body in size with a two-rouble coin present or it is less, with white pryshchikami, and all this becoming wet or soaked;madidans. That to us only did not appoint or nominate """ even osovetovali to give it or him to a kindergarten, there de a diet, will cure. And so, to us poiogo a case, At that time only began to appear planye clinics, even it is simple doctors., and here on the first doctor to us has carried - he to us has appointed or nominated a diet - famine - only famine. As it was terrible in 1 and three months to plant or put the child on one yogurt for three days, and then only the soaked potato, the soaked rice, welded or cooked without salt and Saccharum, and it is more than anything, only yogurt and distilirovanaja water. In a week at the kid maculae all sputums, ostalit only weak traces from red maculae burn all. But on this diet we sat even a month. And then began to enter products, still or even year, slowly on one into a week - three days. And here now all okej. To him already 16. Any diathesises, any eczemas. Fie fie any ointments, only bathing in grasses. I zhedaju to you of success. poprobjte, jotas at the expert such set of sores.. ALL THE SAME - RECOVER

Brejkin D.V.
29.06.2004, 18:34
All is correct, you first of all should be engaged steadfastly zheludochno-in an intestinal tract. Also it is necessary to address to the allergist for treatment and a dermatitis and an allergic rhinitis - most likely it is a pollinosis.

03.07.2004, 09:21
Thanks all responded. If who knows, advise, please, the good allergist