Просмотр полной версии : Ne znaju po adresu li ja obraschajus, no mozet vi mne objasnite - pochemu m...

26.06.2004, 01:59
Ne znaju po adresu li ja obraschajus, no mozet vi mne objasnite - pochemu menja vremja ot vremeni presleduet zapax milnix puzirej ili milnoj peni, ne znaju daze pochemu. Chto bi ja ne ela i ne pila, mne kazetsja chto vsje krugom paxnet etoj gadostju. Chto eto za obonjatelnie galljucinacii, eto u menja s detstva, bivaet redko, no v chem delo ponjat ne mogu.

Brejkin D.V.
27.06.2004, 01:06
Unfortunately this question I do not own :((

Brejkin D.V.
28.06.2004, 04:22
Olga, I so understand the Systemic lupus erythematosus is suspected systemic immunovospalitelnoe disease?). The matter is that this type of diagnoses is put on set of attributes where enters both a clinical picture and results of analyses. Are how much necessary to judge the further analyses on the Internet not vozmus as it is a question of very serious disease. These analyses do not give the unequivocal answer, t. e. At an available illness or disease they can be negative or is on border of norm or rate, however, if these analyses are positive are helps or assists to diagnose. All is solved in each concrete case. I think you it is necessary to trust in the doctor who sees the child internally and to follow its or his advice or councils. In Russia I would recommend to you to show a daughter to the children's rheumatologist, in particular in Petersburg it is doctors Vorontsov I.M., Slizovskij V.N. and others. Success.