Просмотр полной версии : The edema of the face combined a lesion of a skin. Help or Assist, please, define or determine...

25.06.2004, 23:34
The edema of the face combined a lesion of a skin.
Help or Assist to define or determine, please, the reason of my status and to be defined or determined with treatment. Illness or disease I develops, am afraid, that she has not come too far.

After treatment of a healing eczema of the left brush by complex homeopathic preparation Psorinohel at me such status gradually has developed: the edema of the face combined a lesion of a skin. Illness or disease began with one red maculae on the face in the extremity or end of November. Now all skin of the face and a neck red, itching or pruritic, "goose", are formed crusts, the face and a neck "burn". Crusts dry, but under them a skin becoming wet or soaked;madidans. Puffiness is more in morning. Action on this status of antihistamines I do not feel. Corticosteroid ointments do not help or assist.
It was treated in allergological unit. Treatment: intravenous introduction of Hidrocortizonum (3 kap.), Tavegilum and Haemodesum, antihistamines (loratadin). There has come or stepped time or temporary improvement (2 3 days). Then on a background of a cancelling of former treatment and introduction of Sodium thiosulfatum - a new exacerbation with a lesion of a skin and on internal surfaces of arms or hand. Clinical analyses of urine and a blood within the limits of norm or rate. By results of US the liver in norm or rate, in kidneys is a little sand. EGD: an atrophic gastritis with the separate centers of an atrophy. Complaints to job of a stomach and an intestine are not present. A hemorrhoids outside of an exacerbation. During illness or disease began to disturb from time to time an arising status: a pain or a pulsation in a head, feeling of fever, sometimes a cold fit, sensation of rising of pressure. Objectively two times rising pressure up to 130/80 mm hg before usual pressure of 100/60 110/70 mm hg has noted been
About itself: 44 years, I consider or count myself practically healthy. In the anamnesis an eczema of brushes of arms or hand, a fibromyoma, rare or infrequent easy or light;mild exacerbations of a gastritis I remove or I take out a week course of bitter grasses. About 3 years ago there were dorsodynias - night, in the field of a loin, pass or take place in the morning after rise. These or it

Brejkin D.V.
26.06.2004, 15:42
Elena. Unfortunately the problem not standard, therefore on the Internet poioch is impossible. Probably at you not an allergic edema, and an infectious lesion of a skin, for example a streptoderma, or a mycotic affection. Probably also a combination of an allergic and not allergic lesion. Necessarily it is necessary to consult at the dermatologist. If treatment does not give results by way of the further inspection it is necessary to discuss with the attending physician soskob from the amazed or struck site of a skin for a microscopy and crop, and also a biopsy of this site. In Saknt-Petreburge can address in MNTK "Allergotsentr", bodies (812 272 54 43