Просмотр полной версии : Five years muchet an inflammation of a skin on palms: the skin vysyzaet, reddens, pojavljaju...

12.06.2004, 03:56
Five years muchet an inflammation of a skin on palms: the skin vysyzaet, reddens, there are sick cracks, from the back party or side of palms korki. The dermatologist has put an eczema, the appointed or nominated treatment dermovejtom, Synaflanum the effect gives only during use, in three days after the termination or ending of a course all begins on new, but is much stronger and on the greater area. Balm Bittnera, but only for the period of reception helped or assisted only. Consultations of the allergist concrete have not given anything, nothing a dermatitis, dermal assays on possible or probable allergens have shown is diagnosed atopichesky. Consultation of the gastroenterologist is appointed or nominated. The handed over analysis of a blood at the immunologist has shown, that immunoglobulins and the Central Electoral Committee (?) are lowered . It is appointed or nominated neovir on 5 ampoules in day two times a year. The first course has given very good result exactly on half a year. The second course of results has not given. Inspections at the gastroenterologist have shown a dysbacteriosis of 3 degrees (absence lakto-and bifidobaktery, the rod below norm or rate, is absent uslovno-and pathogenic m/), intubation has shown the lowered acidity of a gastric juice (in all test tubes absence of a free hydrochloric acid), doudenalnoe has shown intubation bad othozhdenie biles, is a little sand, US - only the increased cholic bubble. The appointed or nominated treatment Cholenzymum + no-shpa, on a skin of arms or hand of positive influence does not render Plantaglucidum. Treatment of a dysbacteriosis: bifikol and laktobakterin has affected or influenced positively, but for the period of reception, hilak also helps or assists, but also for the period of reception. Meanwhile during every possible inspections and treatments the area of an inflammation increases or is enlarged.
Probably with your help it is possible to understand, in what vse-taki the reason of disease of a skin of arms or hand. In fact medicines which treat different diseases, but effect from all of them very unstable help or assist. What else vozhmozhno to spend inspections for definition of the reason of disease.
As you think, whether there is at me a chance of full treatment

Brejkin D.V.
13.06.2004, 17:43
In absentia such questions are not solved. If live in Peter, come to us in Allergotsentr, we shall understand. Bodies 272 54 43.

15.06.2004, 19:55
I understand, that such questions in absentia are not solved, but unfortunately I live far from Peter. And still it would be desirable to receive though any consultation. Natolknite even on an idea what reasons exist and what else possible or probable inspections it would be necessary to pass or take place.