Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me such problem: already during several years posto...

11.06.2004, 17:46
Hello. At me such problem: already during several years constantly stuffy nose. And it is not connected neither with a season, nor with presence of any stimuluses which could act as allergens. The treatment recommended by experts (lor-doctors, allergists), does not lead to positive takes. Different doctors give various, at times, opposite references, and the diagnosis put different - a vasculomotor or allergic rhinitis. The only thing that rescues or saves;salvages - vasoconstrictive drops (Sanorinum or Naphthyzinum) which should be applied on many times in day about all an increasing or enlarged frequency. I shall be very grateful, if you can recommend someone from experts.
To me 32 years, I live in-NONOiOOuN

dr. Ilyin
13.06.2004, 02:34
You write nothing about allergoobsledovanii. Whether there Is no allergy on house 7 is long sosudosuzhiv. Drops it is impossible, they cause return effekt/tahifilaksija/, that you and have. In treatment at these rhinites with success PLUS is applied NAZONEKS/the SPRAY FOR NOSA/, at vazomotornom-a sponging down by cold water ezhednevno/emission from adrenals adrenalina-yours naftizin/.

Brejkin D.V.
13.06.2004, 12:29
Address in MNTK "Allergotsentr", Kirochnaja 17, bodies 272 54 43. Here you receive consultation, inspection and treatment at high quality spetsialistov-allergists, including at desire can consult at main allergist Sankt-of Petersburg.