Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, 1 I Wish to consult - to an occasion of the son (6 years). With ro...

13.06.2004, 03:35
Zdrastvujte, 1 I Wish to consult - to an occasion of the son (6 years). Since a birth we suffer an allergy not clearly on what, dermal assay has shown nothing, at it or him all - time red when I smear with a cream speaks cheeks, that shchipet. The allergist speaks, that there is any communication or connection with pancreatic. As well as where it is possible to be checked up AND RECOVER, heard, that is spets. Multimonthly diets. Prompt, please!

Brejkin D.V.
13.06.2004, 08:22
If an allergy alimentary assays also will not show. It is necessary to hand over a blood on definition of a level specific IgE to required allergens. A diet - ask the allergist, he is obliged to know gipoallergennuju a diet. Can look or see in this conference on the right above. Besides the described products it is necessary to exclude completely milk and any milk or dairy products (yogurt, yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.), and products which you suspect. For more detailed consultation in Peter can address in ours Allergotsentr, bodies 272 54 43. Success.