Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. A.Chto-'s M. Something the yesterday's letter has returned Back. At us voobshch...

26.05.2004, 18:28
Good afternoon. A.Chto-'s M. Something the yesterday's letter has returned Back. We in general do not have three pluss,
Maple + - +
Hazel grove + - + +
Birch - +
Hedgehog + - +
mjatlik +-
Fire + +
Rye + - +-
E. coli + - +
K. pneumoniae - +
Cand. albicans + - +
Altern. tenuius + - +
Rhiz. nigricans - +
Asper. Flavus + - + + where + clinically significant, + - doubtful, - insignificant, All the others with minuses.
IgEat IgEb IgGat IgGh TlS Expenditure the STEAM HAVE fallen
Toksokara - - - + - - --
Candida alb. + - - + + - - --
Where HAS fallen reaction of suppression of adhesion of leucocytes alergenami, IgEb-antibodies on bazofilah, IgGat-antibodies in Serum of a blood, IgGh-antibodies on neutrophils, TrAT-reactions of aggregation of thrombocytes under influence of allergens, In the conclusion it is written so: the Sensibilization to toksokare on granulotsit-to dependent type, to ndida alb. On tsitotoksichekomu. Today in general has called the doctor and has told or said that most likely result not absolutely authentic and it is better perezdat than week through two as reception Zirteka could affect or influence it or him. You not prosvjatite men janaschet the analysis.

Bolshakova M.A.
28.05.2004, 09:38
The thrown out money. To repeat its or his sense is not present. There would be a sense only in "tsarapkah" and if course SIT was then planned. I to you and so has told or said, that Ig E will be raised or increased. Now you had an ephemeral sensibilization to toksakare and you before loss of pulse will search for worms... In medicine of 30 40 % of analyses bessmysleny

The anonym
30.05.2004, 03:33
But if we even would have worms it as that it was shown, by the way our map on nedajut, speak if in other out-patient department that there and hand over all zanova the truth this and more a couple of analyses at all of us taki is. To repeat we it or him and we were not going to voobshe have decided to not do or make up to Peter any analyses if something to be necessary that better there and we shall hand over. By the way and that vsetaki these or it pljusiki and minuses mean all, because I so have understood that our analysis very much even quite good, I would tell or say even good if at us everywhere one minuses or I am wrong, have tried to send the letter once again. Thanks

Bolshakova M.A.
01.06.2004, 18:03
Allergic reactions often happen are connected in IgE. At you about it or this speaks moderate rising Ig E. But can be and such to you have put assay with a dust 46, and uvas reaction to a dust 54, to which assay were not done or made. It is impossible objat all. Besides allergic reactions can develop and on Ig G-to the mediated type and on immunokompleksnomu. All this does or makes assays maloinformativnymi. They can add only a picture having collected the information on you, but it only a stroke. Often there are assays + ++ + on the chicken, and its or her person easy eats, and assays + - on a dust, and the person gives attacks of an asthma. Pin up this analysis to all and... Forget about him. I to you would recommend to write down questions for About. M.