Просмотр полной версии : At crossing or moving on a new place a residence (we rent the apartment with carpet to...

Dasha M.
24.05.2004, 14:48
At crossing or moving on a new place a residence (we rent the apartment with carpet pokryteem and obshei sistemoi A.K) at the child 8 mesetsev pojavilassilnaja an eruption on legs or pinches and on a head. Seichas to the child 3 years and on a head pereodicheski appear kakieto outgrowths which child constantly scratches also they do not heal. My observations have shown that if eto and an allergy that not on products and on external sources (conditions of residing to replace it is impossible) Me disturbs that the given disease not pereroslo in more tezheloe and for the beginning it would be desirable to learn or find out the reason - eto display dezbakterioza either the allergy or one of drugovo follows (when the child was born were podosrenija on dezbak.) Seichas we live in America and from local vrachei except for silneishih garmonalnyh mazei and a universal syrup (from all kinds of an allergy) that not dobeshsja. It would be desirable learn or find out what reasons can to cause an eruption and what analyses it is necessary to make. Thankful in advance for pomosh.

25.05.2004, 11:22
The child is necessary for showing spetsialistu-to the allergist. Such is in America. It is necessary to make obsledovanie-the general or common analyses of a blood and urine, biochemistry of a blood, Ultrasonic research of an abdominal cavity, the general or common analysis of a feces, a feces on a dysbacteriosis, dermal tests with allergens, E.Esli's general or common and specific immunoglobulin cannot make it or this in America, come back - at all of us it can be made. Allergists are in Betesde, state of Washington.