Просмотр полной версии : Maria Alekseevna and Dmitry Vladimirovich hello! Repeatedly you otvech...

16.05.2004, 14:37
Maria Alekseevna and Dmitry Vladimirovich hello! Repeatedly you answered my questions, for what many thanks!!! I shall try still or even times to abuse your attention. At my child 4 months atopichesky a dermatitis, alimentary allergen to eliminate or erase;remove it does not go right (does not eat gipoallergennye an admixture though a forehead break). In due time I tried or tasted "Nenni", there was a deterioration, but has now read through clause or article: http:/wwwospru/doctore/2000/04/028. htm, there there is a speech about a two-dimensional clinical reactivity, and an allergy on the cow milk + koze to 90 %. And I entered nenni gradually, on 1 feeding into day, it can and has provoked deterioration. Whether as you consider or count to eat sense to try or taste still time Nenni, sharply having replaced a delivery or all to change gradually, but in that case how much to wait for result? All. It is boundless it is grateful for the answer.

Bolshakova M.A.
20.05.2004, 00:45
Tanja! A question complex or difficult, it or him on the Internet to not solve. There is a sense to discuss with the treating doctor expediency of reception of Ketotifenum and Nalkroma