Просмотр полной версии : To my boy 5 months In 1.5. The pediatrist has diagnosed atopichesky dermat...

Julia With.
15.05.2004, 16:22
To my boy 5 months In 1.5. The pediatrist has diagnosed atopichesky a dermatitis. An allergy on fiber of the cow milk. The doctor approves or confirms, that will pass or take place to 7-8 months And to hand over analyses it is not necessary, since they can show only reaction to the same fiber and a soya (that the child ate) .poprobovala to give apple juice 5-7 kap., but on it or him the allergy too poured out. We smear reddenings Advantanom and skin-a?. Advise, please, to what doctors it is necessary to address, what analyses to hand over and whether should be treated. The gastroenterologist on 03. Has responded, that will pass or take place with the years and to treat it is not necessary.

Portnova I.V.
16.05.2004, 18:50
Unfortunately, atopichesky the dermatitis not always passes or takes place with the years, he can not only amplify, but also pass in an allergic rhinitis, a bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases. Very much often at such age atopicheskomu the dermatitis is accompanied with a ferment or an enzymatic failure, a dysbacteriosis. Hand over a scatology, the analysis of a feces on a dysbacteriosis. Besides now very much often there is an allergy and on soya admixtures then hydrolysates help or assist. You should consult at the allergist, to spend inspection after which it will be possible to be defined or determined with treatment. Can communicate with me on -mail: portnova_i@hotmail.ru