Просмотр полной версии : Hello, prompt please what exist new sovremnnye prep...

Andrey, 27
08.05.2004, 21:33
Hello, prompt please what exist new sovremnnye preporaty for prophylaxis and treatments of a spring allergic exacerbation (the peak of an exacerbation is necessary on 1 9, sopli, the nose is incorporated, eyes slezjatsja...), usually accepted Ketotifenum, but pomagaet it is weak. Naznate if vozmzhno course of treatment iprofilaktiki. I thank.

Brejkin D.V.
09.05.2004, 13:18
From modern antihistamine preparations - Loratin, Klaritin, Zirtek, Telfast, Erius, Kestin. In a nose and eyes it is possible to apply Kromogeksal under the scheme or plan which steals up individually. In general to treatment of pollinoses apply a specific immunotherapy - introduction of allergen vpostepenno to an increasing dose. Be not engaged in a selftreatment, address to the allergist internally. In Sankt-Petersburg I recommend Allergotsentr, bodies 272 54 43