Просмотр полной версии : At me tussis in a cold season (from October till May) at an output or exit from teplog...

05.05.2004, 04:18
At me tussis in a cold season (from October till May) at an output or exit from a warm premise or room on street. Tussis after reception of nutrition. Tussis at change of a body from vertical position in horizontal. Tussis all over again dry, then clears the throat or expectorates a sputum. So some years last. Two months ago has had been ill ORVI with very strong tussis. Whether it is possible to cure such tussis?

Bolshakova M.A.
07.05.2004, 09:24
There is a sense to address to gastroenterologu. Probably for you is available gastroezofagalnyj a reflux. In its or his advantage or benefit speaks tussis after meal and changes of position. There is a sense to visit or attend the lung specialist, to make function of respiration. Probably, you have a hyperreactivity of bronchuses which can be reduced medicines..