Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At my son (15 years) has appeared following this spring...

02.05.2004, 23:34
The dear doctor!

My son (15 years) had a following problem this spring. Sometimes the field of jog and physical job on all face and a neck at it or him pour out bugorki reminding komarinye stings and accompanied an itch. If to wash and sit, through chas-it passes or takes place another. Repeated some times both at school, and in city, and on the nature, and houses, but appears not after each jog. Kakih-we have not found out any laws. Prompt, please, where it is possible to address, that prodiagnostirovat, what is it such and as it is possible to get rid of it or this.

In advance thanks.

Brejkin D.V.
03.05.2004, 01:28
It most likely holinergicheskaja a urticaria. Full inspection can be passed or taken place at the allergist, it is better in any diagnostic center. In Peter can address in MNTK Allergotsentr, bodies 272 54 43. Success.

03.05.2004, 03:47