Просмотр полной версии : Spring konjuktivit

26.05.2003, 13:01
Good afternoon! To my child of 10 years. A greater or big half of life he is ill or sick. All has begun with a diathesis, then pereroslo in dermal rashes. Then an allergic bronchitis, a bronchial asthma. And here a year 3 as at it or him since early spring till October has appeared allergic
konjuktivit. 2 times in an eye department of hospital laid. Last time, in the past to year, did or made cauterization of papillas on upper eyelids. We drip kromogeksal. But improvements it is not observable. Maksideks, Dexamethazonum, alomid too dripped. Whether harmfully to drip hormonal preparations, such as maksideks Really every year it is necessary to resort to cauterization. Doctors speak, that it is necessary to wait while he pererastet. Forces already are not present to wait.

01.06.2003, 08:58
Dear Natali,
With eyes all is a little bit more complex or difficult, than with mucous bronchuses and a nose. Whether harmfully to drip hormonal preparations on a regular basis it is harmful. But in this case the doctor, estimating or appreciating a clinical picture, should estimate or appreciate a parity or ratio risk/advantage or benefit of application of a hormonal preparation since there are cases when application, even long, a hormonal preparation at a conjunctivitis is justified. Really every year it is necessary to resort to cauterization it the ophthalmologist solves. Not the fact, that your child "pererastet" disease though very much often so happens. It is necessary to use highly active antihistamine preparations, for example klaritin or erius. At the minimal displays of an allergic rhinitis use nazalnyh hormonal preparations (fliksonaze, nazoneks, etc. unlike eyes, it is safe) is very desirable. Very seldom allergic conjunctivitis proceeds without an allergic rhinitis. And for successful treatment of an allergic conjunctivitis it is necessary to treat an allergic rhinitis.

Be not ill or sick
Doctor Petrovskij F.I.

17.07.2003, 06:17
My husband had the same in the childhood. As the spring comes so eyes slezjatsja, are scratched, a constant rhinitis. And so all the spring long and summer. To him put a preasthma. Add to it or this a dermatitis, the skin on its or his arms or hand bursted, terrible business. With the years all began to cease, now to him 30. The dermatitis is not present, we have forgotten a preasthma, eyes are not scratched almost, not slezjatsja. Zalozhennost a nose from time to time is, but it any more so is terrible. So doctors are right, it is necessary to wait. One more nuance: sharp improvement has occured or happened, when we have moved from densety populated microdistrict to small settlement on surburb, in these places there are no poplars and poplar down. Keep. Success to you! :)

20.10.2003, 01:43
Hello! Application of hormonal preparations should be very cautious, under the strict control of the allergist. For planning the further treatment it is necessary to pass or take place allergological inspection (allergoproby, the blood - is appointed or nominated to allergens the doctor depending on the anamnesis, survey). After revealing allergens, passage SIT - a specific immunotherapy most likely becomes possible or probable. This not medicamental treatment which consists in introduction of microdoses of allergens under the special scheme or plan which leads to depression of reaction to allergens, displays of diseases accordingly decrease. It is necessary will address to the allergist and it is desirable in the near future as the autumn is gipoallergennym a season when it is possible to spend SIT.
Also have good effect not medicamental methods (acupuncture, a homeopathy).
Yours faithfully, the pediatrist-allergist, A.V.Kamayev.