Просмотр полной версии : Жалоба от Флоренс Найтингейл на сообщение

29.07.2009, 09:05
Пользователь Флоренс Найтингейл (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=21357) пожаловался на сообщение.

Сообщение: У меня на большой половой губе было болезненное
уплотнение размером с неб... (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php?p=1919418#post1919418)
Раздел: Венеролог
Список модераторов: YYM

Автор сообщения: lmaomao (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=24458)
Текст сообщения:
I’ve been thinking a lot about education lately. It all started when I watched this TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” Robinson asserts that creativity in education is as important as literacy, and the current school system does not treat it as such. In fact, he says, the current school system stifles creativity.
What these things have in common you see is that kids will take a chance. If they don’t know, they‘ll have a go. Am I right? They’re not frightened of being wrong. Now I don’t mean to say that being wrong is the same thing as being creative. But what we do know is, if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. If you’re not prepared to be wrong.
archlord gold (http://www.archlord-gold.com)
And by the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong. And we run our companies like this, by the way — we stigmatize mistakes. And we are now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities. Picasso once said this. He said, that all children are born artists, the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. I believe this passionately; that we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it, or rather that we get educated out of it. So why is this?
Do Schools Kill Creativity?
archlord gold (http://www.archlord-gold.com)
When I heard this, I of course started thinking about my own schooling. I was fortunate enough to go to some pretty unconventional schools throughout my childhood. My elementary school, for example, encouraged “inventive spelling.” If you didn’t know how to spell a word for the story you were writing, you made it up — you wrote it the way you thought it should be. Now, I can’t prove any cause and effect here, but I now happen to be a top-notch speller. I’m sure that’s more due to my childhood consumption of every book I laid my hands on, but inventive spelling was great nonetheless. We actually had a class called “Rhythm” that, as far as I remember, entailed a lot of jumping and dancing around a big empty room. I also didn’t have grades until I was 10 years old, and the school I went to resided inside half the public library building.
archlord gold (http://www.archlord-gold.com)
So my schooling experience wasn’t exactly conventional, but it began to fit into certain molds as I grew older. After all, I had to get into college, didn’t I?
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Robinson suggests that our schooling system would look to aliens like an entire process devoted to creating university professors. If you look at the path from high school to university and beyond, schooling and academia have become insulated, self-perpetuating ecosystems that are often irrelevant to the world outside. Luckily, there are many teachers who reach beyond that — but it is a hard system to crack.
Confessions of a Lifelong Student
Let me pause to say that I have always loved being a student. I actually was one of those people who really liked going to school. And in university, after completing a thesis my senior year, I considered going on to do a PhD in literature. But after a year and a half of giving myself space from academia, I realized that if I do go back to school, it needs to be for something relevant to the social discussions and issues I confront every day. I still adore literature, but I cannot spend six years diving ever further into the insulated academic world of literary analysis. Today I am writing my stories, exploring new territory, and diving into projects that I figure out as I go. Most importantly, I have realized how much I am learning by going at it myself.
Health Top Tips Nutrition Love Lifestyle Happiness Weight Loss
I sat down today and thought about the most organic and fulfilling learning experiences I’ve ever had. The first four things that sprang to mind were: aoc gold (http://www.aocgoldweb.com)
- becoming fluent in Spanish
- taking a community activism training course
- learning to start my own business and build an online community
- writing my thesis
What do all these experiences have in common? I was thrown into the thick of it, and spurred to make my way.
I became fluent in Spanish by living, studying, eating and breathing in Spanish for a full year in Valencia, Spain. The community activism training course was based around actually planning and creating our own nonprofit organizations — press conference introduction and all. My business and blogging? Well, I was just trying to figure out a way to support my mobile and independent lifestyle. And the thesis, though unquestionably within academia, required me to create something huge on my own.
In all of these examples, I made tons of mistakes. None of them were irreparable, and most of them were formative in my learning experience. Being in the thick of things is one of the best ways to get rid of that fear of failure, which is how we thrive and nurture our development.
Does this mean that our education systems need to become more experiential in order to become more creative? How can classrooms embrace the fruits of failure, and redefine them as discovery? I think this should be an inspiring topic to discuss, because there is so much potential.
I encourage you all to watch Robinson’s TED talk below — aside from being brilliant, he’s also relentlessly hilarious. [If you are viewing this post in an RSS reader or e-mail, you may need to click the link to watch on YouTube].

29.07.2009, 09:09
Пользователь Флоренс Найтингейл (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=21357) пожаловался на сообщение.

Сообщение: Натер между ног (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php?p=1919416#post1919416)
Раздел: Венеролог
Список модераторов: YYM

Автор сообщения: lmaomao (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=24458)
Текст сообщения:
Last week I talked about why a strong web site is crucial to your business. Today I’m going to talk about five components your web site needs and why you need them. Bear in mind, however, that these five aren’t the only components you need. At the end of the article, I’ll mention a couple of other things you may want to include. Now, you can’t just slap these components on a web site and have something great. You’ll still need some solid graphic design, good usability and ease of navigation, plus you definitely want to make sure your design, copy, and code are developed using principles of search engine optimization. With those cautionary notes aside, let’s dive in to the five components you need for a successful web site.
wow power leveling (http://www.saleveling.com)
1. Opt-In Box
If you’re not capturing your visitor’s details with an opt-in box, you’re missing one of the greatest marketing tools available online today. An opt-in box is a place where people enter their name and e-mail address (or just their e-mail address, but I’ve found it’s useful to have more information), and then they subscribe to your e-mail newsletter or e-zine (pronounced “EE-zeen”). You can start building a relationship with your subscribers with regular, useful contact (defining “regular, useful contact” is a separate article in and of itself).
wow power leveling (http://www.saleveling.com)
2. Who you are
Generally speaking, if you’re selling either a product or a service, you’ll want your customers or clients to trust you. Part of building trust is sharing a bit about you and how your company got started.
3. What you do
Obviously, if you want to sell your products or services, you’ll need to talk about them. This is where good marketing copywriting comes in handy. If you’re not good at writing marketing copy that converts visitors into buyers, hire someone who knows how to do it well. Investing in good copywriting can make all the difference.
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age of conan power leveling (http://www.aocpowerleveling-gold.com/the-age-of-conan-power-leveling-aoc.asp)
4. Sticky content
Sticky content refers to any content on your web site that attracts people and keeps them there, kind of like flypaper. Consider your blog, articles, audio and videos, and other resources, to be the flypaper that keeps visitors “stuck” to your site. The longer they stay at your site, the more likely they are to convert into buyers. There is, however, a point where your content will hit critical mass and can be too sticky. If you give too much away, your potential buyers won’t need to buy. They’ll settle for the freebies and never convert into sales.
5. Contact Information
Potential clients and customers will want to know how to contact you for several reasons. If they can contact you, they can buy from you with the assurance that if they experience any troubles with the product, they’ll be able to ask questions or process returns easily. Also, they can ask you questions before they buy. There’s a long list of other reasons customers and clients may want to contact you, and they’ll feel safer buying if they can contact you easily. So provide at least phone and e-mail, and if you can, provide a physical address as well. If you work from home, don’t post your home address. Instead, get a P.O. box or a box at the UPS Store and post that instead.
If you’re selling products or services online, in addition to these five components, you’ll do well to invest in a shopping cart system and a payment processing system. Forcing potential buyers to contact you to get purchasing information ensures that those buyers will go elsewhere most of the time. We live in a high-demand, instant gratification world. If someone is shopping in the middle of the night or on a Sunday and they want what you have to offer but they can’t get it when they want it, they’ll buy it from someone else who can deliver instantaneously. Don’t give your potential buyers a reason not to buy from you.
So how do you implement all this stuff? How do you get a web site with these components, plus good design, good usability, and strong SEO? Next week, I’ll talk about how to hire a web firm to design your site. I’ll tell you how to educate yourself so you know enough to ask the right questions and know when you’re getting the right answers, how to balance value and price, and what red flags to watch out for.

29.07.2009, 09:17
Пользователь Флоренс Найтингейл (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=21357) пожаловался на сообщение.

Сообщение: собаки нападают на людей (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php?p=1919408#post1919408)
Раздел: Ветеринар
Список модераторов: Ветеринарка

Автор сообщения: lmaomao (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=24458)
Текст сообщения:
I’ve been thinking a lot about education lately. It all started when I watched this TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” Robinson asserts that creativity in education is as important as literacy, and the current school system does not treat it as such. In fact, he says, the current school system stifles creativity.
What these things have in common you see is that kids will take a chance. If they don’t know, they‘ll have a go. Am I right? They’re not frightened of being wrong. Now I don’t mean to say that being wrong is the same thing as being creative. But what we do know is, if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. If you’re not prepared to be wrong.
archlord gold (http://www.archlord-gold.com)
And by the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong. And we run our companies like this, by the way — we stigmatize mistakes. And we are now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities. Picasso once said this. He said, that all children are born artists, the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. I believe this passionately; that we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it, or rather that we get educated out of it. So why is this?
Do Schools Kill Creativity?
archlord gold (http://www.archlord-gold.com)
When I heard this, I of course started thinking about my own schooling. I was fortunate enough to go to some pretty unconventional schools throughout my childhood. My elementary school, for example, encouraged “inventive spelling.” If you didn’t know how to spell a word for the story you were writing, you made it up — you wrote it the way you thought it should be. Now, I can’t prove any cause and effect here, but I now happen to be a top-notch speller. I’m sure that’s more due to my childhood consumption of every book I laid my hands on, but inventive spelling was great nonetheless. We actually had a class called “Rhythm” that, as far as I remember, entailed a lot of jumping and dancing around a big empty room. I also didn’t have grades until I was 10 years old, and the school I went to resided inside half the public library building.
archlord gold (http://www.archlord-gold.com)
So my schooling experience wasn’t exactly conventional, but it began to fit into certain molds as I grew older. After all, I had to get into college, didn’t I?
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Robinson suggests that our schooling system would look to aliens like an entire process devoted to creating university professors. If you look at the path from high school to university and beyond, schooling and academia have become insulated, self-perpetuating ecosystems that are often irrelevant to the world outside. Luckily, there are many teachers who reach beyond that — but it is a hard system to crack.
Confessions of a Lifelong Student
Let me pause to say that I have always loved being a student. I actually was one of those people who really liked going to school. And in university, after completing a thesis my senior year, I considered going on to do a PhD in literature. But after a year and a half of giving myself space from academia, I realized that if I do go back to school, it needs to be for something relevant to the social discussions and issues I confront every day. I still adore literature, but I cannot spend six years diving ever further into the insulated academic world of literary analysis. Today I am writing my stories, exploring new territory, and diving into projects that I figure out as I go. Most importantly, I have realized how much I am learning by going at it myself.
Health Top Tips Nutrition Love Lifestyle Happiness Weight Loss
I sat down today and thought about the most organic and fulfilling learning experiences I’ve ever had. The first four things that sprang to mind were: aoc gold (http://www.aocgoldweb.com)
- becoming fluent in Spanish
- taking a community activism training course
- learning to start my own business and build an online community
- writing my thesis
What do all these experiences have in common? I was thrown into the thick of it, and spurred to make my way.
I became fluent in Spanish by living, studying, eating and breathing in Spanish for a full year in Valencia, Spain. The community activism training course was based around actually planning and creating our own nonprofit organizations — press conference introduction and all. My business and blogging? Well, I was just trying to figure out a way to support my mobile and independent lifestyle. And the thesis, though unquestionably within academia, required me to create something huge on my own.
In all of these examples, I made tons of mistakes. None of them were irreparable, and most of them were formative in my learning experience. Being in the thick of things is one of the best ways to get rid of that fear of failure, which is how we thrive and nurture our development.
Does this mean that our education systems need to become more experiential in order to become more creative? How can classrooms embrace the fruits of failure, and redefine them as discovery? I think this should be an inspiring topic to discuss, because there is so much potential.
I encourage you all to watch Robinson’s TED talk below — aside from being brilliant, he’s also relentlessly hilarious. [If you are viewing this post in an RSS reader or e-mail, you may need to click the link to watch on YouTube].

29.07.2009, 09:21
Пользователь Флоренс Найтингейл (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=21357) пожаловался на сообщение.

Сообщение: Помогите старичку (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php?p=1919407#post1919407)
Раздел: Ветеринар
Список модераторов: Ветеринарка

Автор сообщения: lmaomao (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=24458)
Текст сообщения:
The Einstein of the fish world may be the nine-spined stickleback, suggests new research that determined this common European fish possesses an unusually sophisticated capacity for learning not yet documented in any other animal, aside from humans.
The unassuming, small-headed fish proves tiny brains can yield "surprising cognitive abilities," according to project leader Jeremy Kendal, whose team discovered the stickleback can compare the behavior of other fish with its own experiences in order to make better choices.
This learning method, known as "hill-climbing," is necessary for cumulative culture and was thought to be unique to humans.
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"Cases such as nut-cracking in chimpanzees, or tool use in New Caledonian crows, are potentially consistent with such a strategy, but the strategy has yet to be shown unambiguously (in these other animals)," Kendal, a Durham University anthropologist, told Discovery News.
For the study, published in the journal Behavioral Ecology, he and his colleagues caught 270 nine-spined sticklebacks in Leicester, England. The fish were organized into experimental groups. These fish groups then took turns as either free swimmers in a tank with worm-yielding feeders at the end, or as "learners" in a transparent, partitioned-off area of the specially designed tank.
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One of the two feeders released more worms than the other. The fish quickly gravitated to this "rich feeder." When these fish then went into the observation semi-circle portion of the tank, the researchers swapped the feeders. The new free swimmers, as before, made a beeline for the feeder with a more plentiful worm reward.
When the observation fish group was released back into the part of the tank with the feeders, 75 percent were "clever" enough to know from watching the other sticklebacks that the feeders had been switched, so they didn't just rely upon their own experience with the feeders.
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Additional research conducted by the same team of scientists found that the likelihood of copying the behavior of another increased with the rate at which this other individual fed. The fish aren't therefore just mindlessly copying each other. They are instead "being selective about when and who they copy."
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Kendal thinks the nine-spined stickleback might have been "forced to learn" this rather complex strategy because the species is scrawnier than many other fish, with an anatomy that doesn't offer significant protection from predators. Instead of risking being eaten while searching for food, it benefits the fish to find out exactly where the best sources are at ahead of time and to go directly to them.
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Health Top Tips Nutrition Love Lifestyle Happiness Weight Loss
"It is possible that, rather than evolve to become more sturdy, it is less costly for the nine-spines to evolve the capacity to exploit foraging information provided by observing others," he explained, mentioning that tougher three-spined sticklebacks don't seem to have such a brainy solution to foraging challenges.
Culum Brown, a University of Edinburgh researcher and editor of the book "Fish Cognition and Behavior," told Discovery News, the study "shows that fishes are using a mixture of their own knowledge and weighing it up against cultural information."
"In many ways," Brown said, "fish are just as smart as other animals."
While fish seem to exhibit frequent flashes of mental brilliance, the stickleback's hill-climbing strategy has yet to result in more human-like, high-tech capabilities, probably because fish habitats are so unstable.
"A massive constraint for the fish is that the environment can change rapidly, so information about a good foraging site can become redundant after a short time," Kendal said. "This resets the cumulative process and the fish have to start again acquiring new information."
"This means we might not expect any spectacular cumulative cultural evolution like seen in humans," he said, "but watch this space. We know so little and are constantly surprised about what they can do!"

29.07.2009, 09:24
Пользователь Флоренс Найтингейл (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=21357) пожаловался на сообщение.

Сообщение: Помогите! У меня котенок ничего не ест!!!Что мне делать? (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php?p=1919406#post1919406)
Раздел: Ветеринар
Список модераторов: Ветеринарка

Автор сообщения: lmaomao (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=24458)
Текст сообщения:
Last week I talked about why a strong web site is crucial to your business. Today I’m going to talk about five components your web site needs and why you need them. Bear in mind, however, that these five aren’t the only components you need. At the end of the article, I’ll mention a couple of other things you may want to include. Now, you can’t just slap these components on a web site and have something great. You’ll still need some solid graphic design, good usability and ease of navigation, plus you definitely want to make sure your design, copy, and code are developed using principles of search engine optimization. With those cautionary notes aside, let’s dive in to the five components you need for a successful web site.
wow power leveling (http://www.saleveling.com)
1. Opt-In Box
If you’re not capturing your visitor’s details with an opt-in box, you’re missing one of the greatest marketing tools available online today. An opt-in box is a place where people enter their name and e-mail address (or just their e-mail address, but I’ve found it’s useful to have more information), and then they subscribe to your e-mail newsletter or e-zine (pronounced “EE-zeen”). You can start building a relationship with your subscribers with regular, useful contact (defining “regular, useful contact” is a separate article in and of itself).
wow power leveling (http://www.saleveling.com)
2. Who you are
Generally speaking, if you’re selling either a product or a service, you’ll want your customers or clients to trust you. Part of building trust is sharing a bit about you and how your company got started.
3. What you do
Obviously, if you want to sell your products or services, you’ll need to talk about them. This is where good marketing copywriting comes in handy. If you’re not good at writing marketing copy that converts visitors into buyers, hire someone who knows how to do it well. Investing in good copywriting can make all the difference.
Health Top Tips Nutrition Love Lifestyle Happiness Weight Loss
age of conan power leveling (http://www.aocpowerleveling-gold.com/the-age-of-conan-power-leveling-aoc.asp)
4. Sticky content
Sticky content refers to any content on your web site that attracts people and keeps them there, kind of like flypaper. Consider your blog, articles, audio and videos, and other resources, to be the flypaper that keeps visitors “stuck” to your site. The longer they stay at your site, the more likely they are to convert into buyers. There is, however, a point where your content will hit critical mass and can be too sticky. If you give too much away, your potential buyers won’t need to buy. They’ll settle for the freebies and never convert into sales.
5. Contact Information
Potential clients and customers will want to know how to contact you for several reasons. If they can contact you, they can buy from you with the assurance that if they experience any troubles with the product, they’ll be able to ask questions or process returns easily. Also, they can ask you questions before they buy. There’s a long list of other reasons customers and clients may want to contact you, and they’ll feel safer buying if they can contact you easily. So provide at least phone and e-mail, and if you can, provide a physical address as well. If you work from home, don’t post your home address. Instead, get a P.O. box or a box at the UPS Store and post that instead.
If you’re selling products or services online, in addition to these five components, you’ll do well to invest in a shopping cart system and a payment processing system. Forcing potential buyers to contact you to get purchasing information ensures that those buyers will go elsewhere most of the time. We live in a high-demand, instant gratification world. If someone is shopping in the middle of the night or on a Sunday and they want what you have to offer but they can’t get it when they want it, they’ll buy it from someone else who can deliver instantaneously. Don’t give your potential buyers a reason not to buy from you.
So how do you implement all this stuff? How do you get a web site with these components, plus good design, good usability, and strong SEO? Next week, I’ll talk about how to hire a web firm to design your site. I’ll tell you how to educate yourself so you know enough to ask the right questions and know when you’re getting the right answers, how to balance value and price, and what red flags to watch out for.

29.07.2009, 09:28
Пользователь Флоренс Найтингейл (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=21357) пожаловался на сообщение.

Сообщение: Как вырастить малыша (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php?p=1919405#post1919405)
Раздел: Ветеринар
Список модераторов: Ветеринарка

Автор сообщения: lmaomao (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=24458)
Текст сообщения:
With the development of the time and the society, china’s higher education system is becoming more and more flawless, and China has benefited much from this. But, we can’t deny, there are also many problems still exist in china’s higher education.
In china, the higher education over focus on the knowledge itself, but ignore to cultivate students’ abilities, qualities, and even more important, the sense of responsibility to the society. Maybe this is because Chinese people reverence knowledge, love knowledge more than other things. This is not bad, but it must be under the precondition of not ignoring other things. We must admit, in the past ten years, with the development of china’s higher education system, this phenomenon has changed a lot, but this is still a very common problem in today’s higher education.
In my mind, the aim of university education should not confine its views in knowledge teaching, but it should help the students to increase their abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society. That’s to say, it is training the good members of society.
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In the article “The Aim of a University Education” the famous English educationist John Henry Newman expresses his opinion about the higher education: “it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste ……and refining the intercourse of private life.” “It prepare him to fill any post with credit, and to master any subject with facility.” Here, John Henry Newman raises the abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society to more important position.
In the reality, after graduation the students will become the average members of the society. At that time, the importance of their abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society will be all shown. No matter how much knowledge one owns, if he can’t adapt the society, and contribute to the society, he will be washed out by the society. It is a waste of education recourses.
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In our life, we can see a lot of examples. Every year, we can hear news that many university students or the persons who have higher academic qualification kill themselves. They have accepted the high education and have a lot of knowledge, but their qualities and the sense of responsibility to the society may not reach the level which they should have. At the same time, many university campuses in China are so dirty that makes people feel they are not in the campus but in the street outside, and we can see many students throw rubbish to everywhere they want. This may indicate there is something wrong with students’ qualities.
aoc power leveling (http://www.aocgoldweb.com/the-age-of-conan-power-leveling-aoc.asp)
There must be a lot of other problems exist in china’s higher education, for example, the high tuition fee, the improper system, the ruleless manage, and so on. But because china’s higher education is in the process of change from “elite education” to “popular education”, the cultivation of students’ abilities, qualities, and even more important, the sense of responsibility to the society is becoming more and more important. This will affect china’s future society in a large extent. So we must do our best, and overcome all the difficulties to solve this problem firstly.

29.07.2009, 09:56
Пользователь Флоренс Найтингейл (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=21357) пожаловался на сообщение.

Сообщение: Полный уход (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php?p=1915325#post1915325)
Раздел: Косметология и красота
Список модераторов: Ковтунова Елена, Шепетюк Наталья Николаевна

Автор сообщения: Anna1217 (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=24092)
Текст сообщения:
А я могу пользоваться любой косметикой, несмотря на то, что у меня очень нежная кожа и легко раздражается. Просто пользуюсь молочком для снятия макияжа Бьютиссима. В нем экстракт красного масла, который лечит от аллергии и улучшает кожу. Нашла на redoilzp.narod.ru . Что бы косметика за день с моим лицом не сделала, на утро кожа бывает как у ребенка.

29.07.2009, 10:03
Пользователь Флоренс Найтингейл (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=21357) пожаловался на сообщение.

Сообщение: ПОДСКАЖИТЕ пожалуйста понастоящему эффективное средство от прыщей и угрей и... (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php?p=1914826#post1914826)
Раздел: Дерматолог
Список модераторов: Бормотов

Автор сообщения: Anna1217 (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=24092)
Текст сообщения:
Всегда пользуюсь кремом "Черное золото" Петербургского производства. Моментально удаляет любые прыщи, раздражения и даже алергию. Нашла на сайте redoilzp.narod.ru , с тех пор пользуюсь. Больше приходится тратить этот крем на племянников - ципки на руках, ссадины, но хватает все равно на долго.

29.07.2009, 10:14
Пользователь Флоренс Найтингейл (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=21357) пожаловался на сообщение.

Сообщение: В Пермской области для образовательных учреждений будет закуплен витаминный препарат Веторон (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php?p=1917539#post1917539)
Раздел: Работа - вакансии и резюме
Список модераторов: admin

Автор сообщения: Speenryswency (http://www.forum.nedug.ru/member.php?u=0)
Текст сообщения:
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Более подробную информацию Вы сможете получить по
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SKYPE: prodawez
EMAIL: prodawez@mixmail.com

29.07.2009, 15:39
Спасибо. Всё удалено.