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  1. Uvzhaemyj the doctor! Three months ago there was very serious stress (divorce. After... (1 ответов)
  2. Drank antibiotics (7 days Trichopolum, then Abaktal, metrodinizadol (-mojmu... (1 ответов)
  3. The dear Doctor! At my husband on a leg or foot approximately year 2 has appeared shishk... (1 ответов)
  4. Prompt please addresses of clinics where it is possible to cure vrosshy a fingernail motod... (1 ответов)
  5. uvazhayemii doktor, vozmozhno li povisheniye temperaturi do 38.5 pri sp... (1 ответов)
  6. Hello, the doctor! Prompt, please, what devices house terapi... (1 ответов)
  7. The doctor I has read through what to do or make trays or basins at a proctal or an anal crack better to add... (1 ответов)
  8. At the man 55 hernia on a backbone is more senior. Has passed or has taken place a course of a physiotherapy, did or made... (2 ответов)
  9. Greetings to you from conference "surgeon" from d-ra Ljubskogo to my A.A.Po-we vme... (1 ответов)
  10. Last time at oprozhnenii I feel a pain and any time there is a blood.... (1 ответов)
  11. The dear doctor! My father more 30 years ago has transferred or carried operation in occasion of p... (1 ответов)
  12. In current of 5 years me excruciate periodic nojushchie pains in right bottom floors... (1 ответов)
  13. Hello the doctor, at me hran. A hemorrhoids with perionalnym a clottage, vozmozh... (1 ответов)
  14. More half a year I suffer constipations. After defikatsii slime sometimes is allocated and... (1 ответов)
  15. What is the hygroma and how probably more quickly to remove or take out a tumour? As without operativn... (2 ответов)
  16. At the daughter (2.5 mes) on a leg or pinch wine maculae centimeter 4 in diam. In seredinke about... (3 ответов)
  17. Good afternoon. Possibly, many from visiting or attending suffer or these or it will suffer... (1 ответов)
  18. Recently in an anus there was a small globule. Causes inconvenience at... (1 ответов)
  19. Hello, if to not clean or remove external hemorrhoidal sites to what it can... (1 ответов)
  20. The dear doctor, Approximately 6 months ago has appeared soft shishka on edge or territory... (2 ответов)
  21. Sergey January, 20th 2004 15 : 57 : 57 Hello the doctor. One month ago transfer or carry... (1 ответов)
  22. Hello, to me have appointed or nominated operation on excision external and internal a heme... (1 ответов)
  23. My mum has pierced a finger (when weeded) on a summer residence. The infection has got in a joint.... (1 ответов)
  24. Hello the doctor! Help or assist me please! At me constantly inflates or fans zhi... (1 ответов)
  25. The doctor, my daughter 2, 3. One month ago have transferred or carried operation on excision at... (1 ответов)
  26. Excuse, if a question not to you, but can nevertheless will prompt... A preparation " De... (1 ответов)
  27. The dear doctor, pol-year back to me did or made a colonoscopy and diagnosed... (2 ответов)
  28. Hello. After an irrigoscopy to me have diagnosed - a dolichosigma, sindr... (1 ответов)
  29. Hello, the doctor! Approximately one month ago, it is literally for 1 day, at me on... (1 ответов)
  30. Hello the Doctor. I am am hurted very much with a leg or foot in district of a malleolus, and yesterday she... (1 ответов)
  31. I work on a computer, it is a lot of with "mouse". Iz-for inconvenient locatings ra... (1 ответов)
  32. Hello the doctor. Today there were shishka in the size in diameter of 4 5 mm be... (2 ответов)
  33. Hello. To me 24 years. Did not give birth or travail. You could not consult on... (2 ответов)
  34. At the young man gemoroj - whether it is possible to be engaged in sex (different it or him razno... (2 ответов)
  35. Hello! Tell, please about the most effective ways lecheni... (1 ответов)
  36. To me of 20 years and at me a year the big site and seryoznye pains. The doctor has told or said it is necessary... (3 ответов)
  37. M only 20 years, and I have already found out a nodule above an anus. As with it or this... (1 ответов)
  38. One month ago it was operated in occasion of combined gemmoroja. Till now n... (1 ответов)
  39. At mine the daddy very much greater or big pains in the field of kishechnika-kidneys. Have addressed in sk... (1 ответов)
  40. After legirovanija the doctor for prophylaxis of constipations recommended to accept on 1... (1 ответов)
  41. Thanks for the answer. I yesterday was at doktora-except for a hemorrhoids at me obstrilsja n... (1 ответов)
  42. Hello! To my mum of 78 years. She went to the proctologist about 30 years ago: at it or her... (1 ответов)
  43. Tell or Say what for do or make a circumcision? How it influences an organism? Whether it is harmful?... (1 ответов)
  44. Two days ago, to me have broken cheljustno a facial bone, owing to what pojavilos... (2 ответов)
  45. At me the lymph node on a leg or foot has inflamed. What to me to do or make? As it or him treats... (1 ответов)
  46. At my daughter in an inguen (in skladochke) under a skin two globules, in size with a pea... (2 ответов)
  47. Hello, the Doctor! Whether it is possible to go in for sports at external gemoroidaln... (1 ответов)
  48. Hello. The doctor, tell or say please, whether are possible or probable any negat... (1 ответов)
  49. Thanks, the doctor, for the answer and advice or council to do or make gymnastics of muscles of a perineum. But in... (2 ответов)
  50. retsedivirujushchy parapraktit at the child of 9 years (2 operations were): what leche... (1 ответов)